#001 Welcome to The Boats & Logs Lifting Club

Today, your journey starts. Welcome to the club.

First, I must give you all a big THANK YOU! Nearly three months ago, on the 25th of July, I uploaded my first reel on Instagram, and today, we have grown to a community of well over 50 THOUSAND people! I started the page to foster a like-minded community focussed on training in the most efficient way to build muscle and being fit enough to play with our grandchildren when we are 70+ years old.

Never would I have thought to see the page explode like it did. And that's why we are here:

The Boats & Logs Lifting Club is my way of giving back to you. I aim for it to be more than a free weekly newsletter. The vision is to build a wiki for new and experienced lifters to learn something new about building muscle and living healthy. And therefore, these concepts need to be sustainable over years - not weeks or months.

The Boats & Logs Philosophy

And that's where I want to introduce you to the Boats & Logs philosophy. You may know that I am calling the big 3 (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift) overrated, arguing against a Push/Pull/Legs split for most people or advocating for only doing two working sets per exercise. But I don't care if you use this advice or not. The best workout is the one you can stick to (read: most fun to you).

The Boats & Logs philosophy is centered around using the most efficient way to gain muscle and stay healthy over the long run. We are a based community and not following hypes. That means we train hard but are smart in selecting exercises and how much volume we actually need. We also know that the outside factors of the gym are as important as the gym itself. So we eat clean and sleep properly.

Posting on social media was a first step to find out if the message reaches enough people who agree with it. Three months later, your feedback is overwhelming. But while social media is great to reach a lot of people, it is a poor medium to really educate and discuss nuance. Therefore, it is only logical to expand into another format to provide you guys with more in-depth guides:

The Boats & Logs Lifting Club.

What to expect?

The Boats & Logs Lifting Club will be your go-to resource for the three factors of building muscle:

  • Training

  • Nutrition

  • Recovery

Like a university course, we will start with the basic concepts of building muscle so everyone understands the foundations. Then, week by week, we will dive deeper into these concepts and add more nuance. By following it, you will understand how your body works and what it takes to grow muscle.

Additionally, I will be releasing full workout programs here as well. Of course, these will also be free. However, this newsletter's goal is that you gain enough knowledge to build your own workout split and not rely on someone else's programming.

And as we are a community, I am always open to integrating your feedback into the weekly newsletter and covering the topics you are most interested in.

Lastly, you can be sure of one thing: NEVER will you see an AI-written newsletter. The social media posts may use AI-generated pictures and voices, but experienced humans will always write the texts.

Thank you for subscribing and following the journey!

Stay strong,
Boats & Logs


This is not Legal, Medical, or Financial advice. Before starting any workout program, diet plan, or supplement protocol, please consult a medical professional. These are the opinions from an AI voice.